Monday, February 1, 2010

What an EXCITING trip to Bangalore India!

I also met up with Ms Vithia, 30+ years old, another type 2 diabetes patient. After just one cycle of HP, he lost 10 kg and her diabetic medication has reduced to bare minimum, She's now her 2nd cycle, hopefully on her road to full recovery. Lets wait for some pictures and further details form Mr Manju , their personal HP advisor.

There's nothing compared to the joy of being able to help people regain back their HEALTH!..Healthpointe..what an amazing programme! Watch out for more great news and successful examples from our HP advisors from Bangalore, India. 

Here are some photos taken at various HP briefing in the homes of successful HP clients.

Having dinner before flying back to KL with some HP advisors 

HP Home meeting at Vithia's sister in law, Joythi auntie house..

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