Thursday, May 14, 2009

My HP Journey

I was introduced to HealthPointe about 2 years ago. Then I was 85 kgs, my bodyfat% was 35% and a 38 inch growing waistline. Welcome to mid-life...I attended the workshop and then did nothing for the next 6 months. I realise now to change, you have to change your way of thinking. Make a decision and take action. Once the decision was made, I realise that it was not as difficult as I thought, in fact it was so simple, anyone can do this.

What I like about HealthPointe is the mentoring and education behind the system. Most of us have tried losing weight, right?...but we tend to gain back what we lost plus added interest.

Healthpointe, it's different altogether. The structured 3 phased system teaches us how to change our eating habits, do light exercises like walking, drink 8 glasses of water daily and educate us why nutritional supplements are important.

Best part is, you get to eat your regular meals and snacks. You get a personal coach that advises you on what needs to be done right from the start-up where we get a weigh-in, our BMI & bodyfat % calculated and measurements taken. My target which I successfully obtained after 1 cycle of 45 days is an ideal weight of 70kg, ideal BMI and ideal bodyfat % of 23%. For some, you might require more than 1 cycle.

You lose weight but gain valuable knowledge to keep the weight off... The knowledge is invaluable, something that you can easily share with your family and friends. You gain feel energised, lighter and more alert.

Now, as a coach, I enjoy helping people. You gain friends as you become part of the HP family team of advisers and students.

Healthy mind, body and soul.
Live and love life......and now to enjoy my favourite pastime


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